Opening Up in Lockdown
Helping our clients open up their homes during lockdown has been a truly positive experience. We’ve all struggled in one way or another over the past year. We’ve all had to find ways to occupy our minds, to connect with friends and family and, as much as we can, stay connected with the wider community. Some have been less fortunate than others. And all we can do is be thankful for the small blessings we have had. One of the genuinely nice things we’ve been able to experience is the chance to make our client’s lives better. Helping them to open up their home spaces, extending or customising to meet their needs.
Opening Up in Lockdown
For most of us, the lockdown has brought with it an unavoidable sense of cabin fever. The lockdown has also been worse for some of us; being stuck in your home can put you face to face with its architectural problems. When our spaces don’t serve us, with low ceilings and close walls, the world can feel that bit smaller and duller. We’ve all undeniably felt first-hand just how much our environment affects our mood, our health and even our relationships. And while nobody has it in their power to wipe away the world’s woes, in our own small way we have been happy to, at least, help some families and home-owners open out from their confines. It makes a world of a difference to step into a warm, fresh space, to stretch out your arms and soak in more sunlight. When your home space is built from the ground-up to support you, the effect overflows into other areas of your life.
We’ve seen the wider community following along in some of the incredible transformations we’ve been able to share. And some of our clients, too, have kindly shared their experience with the wider community, offering a little glimpse into their homes and their personal lives.
Let’s Look Forward to the Future
One of the keys to a happy life is to always have something to look forward to. For many, this hasn’t been the easiest thing to do with many of our usual outlets and ways of expressing ourselves being cut off completely. But let’s look to the future, and start making 2021 something to enjoy.
Would You Like to Work With Us?
When you add an extension and remodel your home, you have a wonderful opportunity to make your home serve you better. To work with your psychology, your routine, and your lifestyle. And it’s also a chance for you to express your own personal style and taste. Before we begin a build, we’ll help focus your ideas through the lens of our understanding of architectural design. Share with us your ideas and we will help you turn them into something even better than you expected. Give us a call on 021 4365 866 and let’s discuss your plans.